Portland Marathon Course

The Portland Marathon features a race course that offers a mix of terrains to challenge runners of all skill levels. The race starts near downtown Portland, creating a fantastic urban atmosphere for participants and spectators alike. The initial portion of the course takes runners through the vibrant city streets, offering a relatively flat and fast start. As runners leave the downtown area and enter the first half of the race, they will encounter moderate to rolling hills that add a touch of difficulty to the course. These hills provide a scenic journey through beautiful neighborhoods and tree-lined streets, creating an enjoyable and diverse running experience.

Moving into the second half of the marathon, participants can expect to face another set of rolling hills. While these inclines may pose a challenge, they also offer stunning views of local parks, rivers, and bridges, serving as a motivating backdrop for runners. As the race progresses, the course returns to a relatively flat terrain as it approaches the finish line. This final section allows runners to find their stride and push toward the end with renewed energy.

One unique feature of the Portland Marathon course is the inclusion of the iconic St. Johns Bridge. This magnificent bridge spans the Willamette River, providing runners with an awe-inspiring view as they cross it. The bridge's grand architecture and scenic surroundings add an unforgettable element to the race, motivating participants to conquer this challenging yet rewarding section.

In conclusion, the Portland Marathon's race course combines both flat stretches and rolling hills to provide a well-rounded and exciting experience for runners. The inclusion of the St. Johns Bridge adds a distinctive highlight to the course, giving participants an extra dose of inspiration. Whether navigating the urban streets, conquering the hills, or enjoying the scenic landscapes, runners can expect a diverse and memorable race course from start to finish.